Wednesday 16 January 2013

Reception theory.

The reception theory shows that each person interprets something differently to other people. This is based on cultural background, social life and experiences. For example if two people looked at a poster of a food, one person might think that it looks good and they want to go out and buy it. The second person might think differently and think it doesn’t look appealing to them and they are not going to buy it but they understand why people will want to buy it. This is could because they are of a different gender and have different ethical views. 

For this photography task we were asked to get into groups of 3/4 and devise 3 different stories in a photograph. Then go round college and ask people what they think is going on in the photograph. 

 For this photography the dominant reading is, marriage proposal. Most people who looked at this photo got what was going on, apart from some negotiating options where they thought it was begging.
For this photo the dominant reading is they are having a fight. Everyone we asked understood what was going on in the photograph.  
For this photo the dominant reading is that someone is being hit by a car. Most people got this but there was some opposing opinions, where they thought the people in the picture had just brought a car.